
The Higher Technological Institute for Logistics Puglia offerstraining  programs that are designed and customized on the labor market needs: they are indeed the result of an elaborate analysis of the required job profiles by the main national and international business players.

ITS Logistica can therefore train highly specialized personnel in the fields of logistics and innovative mobility systems, which represents a profession really hard to find on the employment market, but extremely important for the future of both national and European productive system.

The Courses also include common paths regarding communication, linguistic, scientific-technologic, legal-economic and managerial skills, while foreseeing specific subjects for the different technical-professional skills of each one.

Moreover, all theare based on a pragmatic approach, with the aim to endow future Logistics Analysts/Specialist with a rapid and effective integration into the employment market. At this end,  the amount of hours dedicated to hands-on trainingplay also a key role: 680 hours of each syllabustherefore dedicated to work placement, in order to allow students to directly experience concrete issues and situations related to their future work environment (management, efficiency, job relationships).

The nature of these training programs require a remarkable personal effort by the students, both in terms of attendance and home-studying during the internship period.

The 60% of the total amount of lessons will be held by professional experts, with at least 5 years of experience in the technological field of sustainable mobility, with managerial or highly specialized professional roles.

The courses provided by ITS Logistica Pugliaare completely free of charge.


Visit section “Corsi” for an overview of the current training offer

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