EU Projects

The Internationalisation strategy represents a fundamental part of the Institute’svision in order to reinforce its EU dimension and activities. In this regard, ITS Logistica Puglia has been implementing several project activities in order to consolidate its cross-border network, by signing partnerships with important institutions and key players in the fields of interest, and by offering its students opportunities of placement ,training and networking as added values for their future careers.

Below you will find a list of the main European Project led by the Institute:


Europe Direct Taranto

Furthermore, starting from 2021 ITS Logistica Puglia is one of the promoting subject of the EUROPE DIRECT Taranto Centre, as part of the official European information network designated by the European Commission. The EUROPE DIRECT network helps bring the European Union closer to people on the ground and help facilitate their participation in debates on the future of the EU.  More information are available here:

come possiamo aiutarti?

Informazioni sui percorsi formativi, su orientamento per studenti, famiglie e scuole, partnership aziendali.