Learning courses

ITS learning courses have an average duration of four semesters, 1800/2000 hours in total, and they allow our students to achieve the Diploma of Specialized Technician (Level 5 of the ISCED/EQF framework) . Traditional teaching activities are combined with workshops and compulsory traineeships in various companies for at least 30% of the total amount of hours.

The institute collects the experiences, the skills and the opportunities of schools, training institutions, corporations, universities, research centers and includes in its teaching staff trainers and professionals with a specific background in the field of reference: this in turn implies a perfect synergy between education and professional experience that guarantees the high specialization sought by companies.

The teaching methodology, therefore, will endorse the learning of operational skills: exercises and simulations will enable students to tackle issues and circumstances they might face in their future careers. Furthermore, the course will be characterized by a constant analysis, through case studies and testimonies of diverse businesses.

The Specialized Technician for Infomobility and Logistic Infrastructures gains general skills on the various intermodal transport cycles, on functional relations and on infrastructural and operational systems. At the end of the course, each student will have developed specific skills in the management of relations with the actors participating in all stages of the logistics system chain, involved in the incoming and outgoing flows of vehicles, individuals and goods. It will also have competences regarding customs procedures and necessary documentation. He/she participates in the provision of services in the several stages of the process, operating through quality systems.


The identified paths will allow the acquisition of skills in order to:

    • Plan, organize and monitor intermodal services, related operational and technological systems for the transport of goods and people;
    • Operate within the logistics supply chain to manage vehicles and resources in order to guarantee proficiency in the transport of goods and people;
    • Organize, monitor and manage flows of information and / or documentations related to the transport of goods and people.
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